Clinical considerations of endocrine disorders in pregnancy: from planning through birth
The 2023 Digital Learning Journey on Diabetes and Thyroid Disorders
9 June 2023, Rome
From 13:00 to 15.00 CEST
Among their several and multiorgan consequences, insulin resistance and diabetes may also affect the reproductive system, causing fertility problems, pregnancy complications, and impacting the offspring health. In addition, thyroid hormones are major regulators of human body homeostasis which are essential for growth, neuronal
development, and reproduction. Therefore, endocrine disorders affecting both glucose metabolism and thyroid function must be tackled in a multidisciplinary framework when approaching couples with fertility problems or pregnant women. This live talk-show has the ambitious goal of bringing together KOLs from three different areas (diabetes, thyroid and fertility) under one roof to promote dialogue, discussion and to share opinions and new ideas without barriers, enhancing mutual knowledge and network.
• Identify fertility issues related to metabolic disorders
• Define the best approach to manage obesity and thyroid disorders in pregnancy
• Identify gestational diabetes issues
• Apply latest guidelines to manage thyroid in pregnancy
Endocrinologists, gynaecologists, fertility specialists, general practitioners managing patients during pregnancy
English with simultaneous translation into Spanish
The live webinar talk show style “Clinical considerations of endocrine disorders in pregnancy: from planning through birth, 09/06/2023-09/06/2023” has been accredited by the European Accreditation Council for Continuing Medical Education (EACCME®) with 1 European CME credit (ECMEC®s). Each medical specialist should claim only those hours of credit that he/she actually spent.
Through an agreement between the Union Européenne des Médecins Spécialistes and the American Medical Association, physicians may convert EACCME® credits to an equivalent number of AMA PRA Category 1 CreditsTM. Information on the process to convert EACCME® credit to AMA credit can be found at
Live educational activities, occurring outside of Canada, recognised by the UEMSEACCME® for ECMEC®s are deemed to be Accredited Group Learning Activities (Section 1) as defined by the Maintenance of Certification Program of the Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons of Canada.

Ernesto Maddaloni
Sapienza University of Rome
Rome, Italy
Among their several and multiorgan consequences, insulin resistance and diabetes may also affect the reproductive system, causing fertility problems, pregnancy complications, and impacting the offspring health. In addition, thyroid hormones are major regulators of human body homeostasis which are essential for growth, neuronal
development, and reproduction. Therefore, endocrine disorders affecting both glucose metabolism and thyroid function must be tackled in a multidisciplinary framework when approaching couples with fertility problems or pregnant women. This live talk-show has the ambitious goal of bringing together KOLs from three different areas (diabetes, thyroid and fertility) under one roof to promote dialogue, discussion and to share opinions and new ideas without barriers, enhancing mutual knowledge and network.
• Identify fertility issues related to metabolic disorders
• Define the best approach to manage obesity and thyroid disorders in pregnancy
• Identify gestational diabetes issues
• Apply latest guidelines to manage thyroid in pregnancy
Endocrinologists, gynaecologists, fertility specialists, general practitioners managing patients during pregnancy
English with simultaneous translation into Spanish
The live webinar talk show style “Clinical considerations of endocrine disorders in pregnancy: from planning through birth, 09/06/2023-09/06/2023” has been accredited by the European Accreditation Council for Continuing Medical Education (EACCME®) with 1 European CME credit (ECMEC®s). Each medical specialist should claim only those hours of credit that he/she actually spent.
Through an agreement between the Union Européenne des Médecins Spécialistes and the American Medical Association, physicians may convert EACCME® credits to an equivalent number of AMA PRA Category 1 CreditsTM. Information on the process to convert EACCME® credit to AMA credit can be found at
Live educational activities, occurring outside of Canada, recognised by the UEMSEACCME® for ECMEC®s are deemed to be Accredited Group Learning Activities (Section 1) as defined by the Maintenance of Certification Program of the Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons of Canada.

Ernesto Maddaloni
Sapienza University of Rome
Rome, Italy
Raffaella Buzzetti
Sapienza University of Rome
Rome, Italy
George Kahaly
Johannes Gutenberg University of Mainz
Mainz, Germany
Tim Korevaar
Erasmus Medical Center
Rotterdam, The Netherlands
Antonio La Marca
University of Modena and Reggio Emilia,
Modena, Italy
Anja Pinborg
Copenhagen University Hospital –
Copenhagen, Denmark
Shakila Thangaratinam
University of Birmingham
Birmingham, United Kingdom
Ernesto Maddaloni
Sapienza University of Rome
Rome, Italy
from 13:00 to 15:00 CEST

Welcome and introduction
Ernesto Maddaloni (Italy)
Session 1 | Before pregnancy: management of obesity and of thyroid disorders towards an healthy conception

L1 Obesity and fertility: from planning through birth
Anja Pinborg (Denmark)

L2 Endocrinology of fertility and sterility: preparing for a healthy pregnancy
Antonio La Marca (Italy)

Panel discussion
Session 2 | Gestational diabetes

L3 Gestational diabetes: a matter of insulin resistance
Shakila Thangaratinam (United Kingdom)

L4 Novelties in the management of gestational diabetes
Raffaella Buzzetti (Italy)

Panel discussion
Session 3 | Thyroid in pregnancy

L5 Thyroid in pregnancy: preconception counseling for graves’ disease, what to discuss?
Tim Korevaar (The Netherlands)

L6 Thyroid autoimmunity in pregnancy
George Kahaly (Germany)

Panel discussion and Q&A

Concluding remarks
Ernesto Maddaloni (Italy)
End of the live webinar


Panel discussion

Concluding remarks
Scientific Seminars International Foundation adheres to guidelines of the European Accreditation Council for Continuing Medical Education (EACCME®) and all other professional organizations, as applicable, which state that programs awarding continuing education credits must be balanced, independent, objective and scientifically rigorous.
Investigative and other uses for pharmaceutical agents, medical devices and other products (other than those uses indicated in approved product labelling/package insert for the product) may be presented in the program (which may reflect clinical experience, the professional literature or other clinical sources known to the presenter).
We ask all presenters to provide participants with information about relationships with pharmaceutical or medical equipment companies that may have relevance to their lectures. This policy is not intended to exclude faculty who have relationships with
such companies; it is only intended to inform participants of any potential conflicts so that participants may form their own judgements, based on full disclosure of the facts. Further, all opinions and recommendations presented during the program and all program-related materials neither imply an endorsement nor a recommendation on the part of Scientific Seminars International Foundation. All presentations represent solely the independent views of the presenters/authors.
The following faculty provided information regarding significant commercial relationships and/or discussions of investigational or non-EMEA/FDA approved (off-label) uses of
Ernesto Maddaloni
Declared receipt of grants, contracts, honoraria or consultation fees from: Abbott, MTD, PikDare
Raffaella Buzzetti
Declared receipt of honoraria or consultation fees from: Abbott, Eli Lili, Novo Nordisk, Sanofi, Astra Zeneca, Boehringer Ingelheim
George Kahaly
Declared no potential conflict of interest
Tim Korevaar
Declared receipt of honoraria or consultation fees from: Merck, Goodlife Healthcare, Berlin Chemie, IBSA
Antonio La Marca
Declared no potential conflict of interest
Anja Pinborg
Declared receipt of honoraria or consultation fees from: Merck, Gedeon Richter, Ferring, Cryos, IBSA, Organon
Shakila Thangaratinam
Declared no potential conflict of interest

Ernesto Maddaloni
Sapienza University of Rome
Rome, Italy

Raffaella Buzzetti
Sapienza University of Rome
Rome, Italy

Shakila Thangaratinam
University of Birmingham
Birmingham, United Kingdom

Tim Korevaar
Erasmus Medical Center
Rotterdam, The Netherlands

George Kahali
Johannes Gutenberg University of Mainz
Mainz, Germany

Antonio La Marca
University of Modena and Reggio Emilia
Modena, Italy

Anja Pinborg
Copenhagen University Hospital - Rigshospitalet
Copenhagen, Denmark
Scientific Seminars International Foundation
Junior Program Manager: Sara Bassetti