Gabriela Brenta

Brenta Gabriela

Thyroid unit coordinator
Department of Endocrinology and Metabolism
Dr Cesar Milstein Care Unit
Buenos Aires, Argentina

Gabriela Brenta is a staff member and thyroid unit coordinator of the Department of Endocrinology and Metabolism at Dr Cesar Milstein Care Unit in Buenos Aires, Argentina. She is also Assistant Professor at the Medical School of the University of Buenos Aires. Her areas of interest in clinical research include the cardiovascular and metabolic effects of thyroid hormones and in particular, the study of thyroid diseases, including nodular disease, in older adults. She has published original papers and reviews in Thyroid, Nature and JCEM, as well as in other journals, and is a member of the editorial board of Thyroid and the Journal of Endocrinology Investigation. Dr. Brenta is a member of the Argentine Society of Endocrinology and Metabolism, where she actively participates in the thyroid division activities.

In June 2019, Dr. Brenta completed her term as President of the Latin American Thyroid Society (LATS) and in 2020 was engaged, on behalf of LATS, to serve on the Scientific Committee of the 16th International Thyroid Congress and also on the Scientific Committee of the 19th International Congress of Endocrinology.

In 2022 she was included in the Scientific Committee of LATS Congress 2023 Curitiba, Brazil, and the Task Force of the American Thyroid Association Thyroid and Pregnancy Guidelines.

Scientific Seminars Foundation
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